INNER POWER: Finding Refuge Within

Friday, March 14th | 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Refuge is what we turn to when we have any kind of problem—from storms, hunger and sickness, to break ups and job loss, to anxiety and boredom.

Yet shelter, food, company and entertainment only provide temporary refuge before new problems show up. Nothing solves anything for very long.

Inner refuge means turning to patience, compassion, generosity and wisdom instead of relying entirely on answers outside ourselves.

Come explore how this practice of Dharma increases your inner power, and decreases just how bad those outer problems really are.

Everything becomes possible when we possess the Inner Power of Refuge.

Everyone Welcome.

$15 / Free for Members

This workshop is included at no additional charge if you book the Refuge Preliminary Guide Retreate which follows, March 15th – 17th.

Workshop - INNER POWER

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WHEN:  Mar 14th | 6:30 pm –7:30 pm

COST:  $15 / Free for Members

TEACHERS: Gen Kelsang Choma


BART: 16th Street Mission

MUNI: 14, 49, 22, 33

Metered street parking or parking garage at 42 Hoff St, San Francisco, CA 94110


Gen Kelsang Choma